I decided to elevate the office design because, firstly, I wanted to show that the design was not as flat as my visual would suggest and secondly, I wanted to try and attempt to do a fully rendered model and I thought the furnishings for this room would be a challenge (in particular the plants and bean bags).
After having a one to one, it was highlighted to me that the room had no window. For me, I always envisioned the window being on the fourth wall. I at first feared that this room looked to bland but then I realised I wanted it to appear bland because I wanted it to be a space that Edina is renting but then makes her own with her whacky furnishings.
I tried to in this project add a column with furnishings, as I had seen it done on someone else's work and thought it look really effective. I think from now on I will always do this as it is such an effective way to present visually what I intend in my design.