After exploring and researching the 1920s and art deco theme, I then went on to develop my ideas. My original sketches I leaned towards a speakeasy theme. I really wanted to incorporate arches in brick walls and curtained space for the performance area as I really liked this aspect when I did my research. But when physically making my sketches 3d with paper cuttings, I found that the flow of between the curtained arches and the geometric stain glass window design did not mesh well together. To try and solve this, I then tried through experimenting with different shapes that fit with the 1920s theme to show off the Art Deco aspect. I found experimenting in 3d surprisingly a lot easy then sketching which was really refreshing to discover.
I made these random little shapes inspired by an art deco lamp and placed them on to the stage area. I thought they were really effective in the stage space; however, in contrast to the window design near the sofa, I thought it did not match and lacked fluidity in the design. As a result of this, I changed my window design to become more geometric and straight lined.
I also decided to add a roof which was meant to be and solid at first. I incorporated triangles in the roof to link each area as I wanted it to help unite the two different aspects of the design from the curved windows to these very geometric shapes on stage. When expressing this idea to the group it became apparent that this semi roof aspect of my design could become a problem when trying to light my set.
As a result, I then made the roof more skeletal and cut out parts of the roof to create metal roof rafters which should allow for more light to travel thorough as well as more opportunities for camera shots. Because I had now taken bricks from the roof, I thought that the whole idea would once again have more fluidity if the bricks in the wall were more sporadic. This also allowed for the opportunity for to have a star cloth in the background to add extra glamour to my design. I felt this added more textural interest and also made design more appropriate for television at late night television show.
As for the link progression, originally, I wanted to have a secret door allowing the guests to enter through the middle with a cabinet opening up to add to the speakeasy theme but as the design progressed and the walls were taken away and then I decided instead to have a brick arch to give the Diagon Alley feeling for the guests to walk through as they came in and also to act as the lin
k area for the host.