Storyboarding is a very new technique for me, I found it particularly challenging as my sketching ability could use a bit of work but I actually really enjoyed this process. I tried to use all the different angles and camera shots to push through the sequence. I found this very fun and can't wait to really expand the skill of mine.
So I thought I quickly talk through what the storyboards about the so here is a brief and reflection of what's happening...
So the overall story line is that Hayley wakes up (to the clank of the Ferris wheel outside her window) to find her room covered in spider webs. She then immediately think the spider that lives above her bed is responsible. She then follows the spider which leads her to her window. She opens her window to find a huge Ferris wheel! She then jumps onto the Ferris wheel which takes her to dreamland.
I think this part of the storyboarding really did test my ability on perspective because certain aspects (especially the high angle shot and low angle shots) were quite hard to do but I am glad that I tried them out and now I am a bit less afraid of drawing those kinds of perspectives.
I think the narrative of the story sequence of her going from reality to dreamland is very strong but I think there is still some artistic style bits that I could really work on such as adding a bit shading in and getting a bit better my people drawing. Also maybe I could add some colouring for the arrows for my camera movement versus character movement. For the sequence set wise, I plan to have a green screen on the outside and then have the Ferris wheel seat to be real but then the rest of the outside to be green screen.
I really enjoyed this aspect of the brief especially as it was a new skill and I really can't wait to expand my skills in this area.