The technical drawing aspect of this brief was actually not as bad as I thought was going be. Having all ready done technical drawing in the Georgian project, this brief was really good as it allowed me to reinforce the skills that we learnt.
My room is quite simple layout so it was not very complicated to draw out. The door was quite simple too because once again as Hayley is coming from a low income family, I thought it more appropriate. And as I've mentioned previously about the window design being of the 1970s in the house.
There were some aspects of this element of this brief that I actually didn't know I was doing wrong previously such as putting the measurements on top rather than below but I was able to correct that. I learnt how to add a ceiling piece into the floor plan and elevations section, which I did not know how to do before. The type ceiling piece I chose to do is also known as a cheese wedge which was interesting to also learn.
I chose to put in a green screen on the other side of the window and tried to leave ample space. It did all fit onto one page; however, I would have liked to have left a little bit more room and maybe put the last column of elevations onto another page just to give a bit more room measurement wise and for notes.
I think I should have included more details of furnishings and put some more notes on there. I also did not use a drawing board which meant it took a lot longer and was lees accurate. I think in the next project I really do need to try and utilise the desks in studio to try and do this because I did find it quite difficult to keep everything level and straight relevant to one another.
Also something else that I really do want a highlight is that in this project I decided to use and tracing paper, where as in the previous project I just used normal paper and I did find a huge difference it was so much easier to glide the pencil, however there was a lot of smudging happening but I think that's because my mechanical pencils broke midway through, so I had to use normal pencils.