A big aspect for this project was the visuals and developing how to do visuals. Previously in a lot of the other projects, I used Illustrator and I then added on colour manually with watercolours but in this project what I really wanted to do was try and explore the Photoshop and other techniques so in each of the visuals I have tried to do things slightly differently technique wise.
In the first visual (Hayley's room), I used mainly photoshop through using the outlines from Sketch Up and building upon that and then a bit of photo bashing as well to get in some elements such as close the closed baskets in the games and stuff like that. I loved using this technique. This visual did take the longest of my visuals but it is my favourite out of all the visuals. I learnt through looking up YouTube videos how to create the lava lamp light effect which was really useful. Once I knew how to do that it was really simple to then just use that technique in my other visuals. One of my favourite tools was definitely the shadowing tool and the illuminating tool because that really added depth especially in the curtains and in the bunk beds the angles.
My next visual I did was for dreamland and as I wanted her to enter her dreamland space on a Ferris wheel, I thought it would only be appropriate to show a high angle shot of the land from the first view. This angle is really hard to do from the perspective was drawing. That is something I really do need to work on is my use of perspective and horizon lines and everything that goes with so that is go to for next time. As you can see, the style of this visual is a bit different as it is more illustrative.
I used images and can traced over some of the images to create this and then added aspects of shadowing and highlighting. I also added an overlay on top which reflected the colours of the sky on the land as naturally I think the sky would reflect upon the land. The pinkie tinge on everything also made the land appear even more dreamlike. I did a similar technique on the fairy lights on the web as I used in the room scene.
I did really enjoy this technique but I feel it is not as realistic as I wanted it to be so that is why I prefer the photo bashing. Although I am glad I did it and I was happy with the angling of everything.
My next visual I wanted to be to show that the barnyard elements within the dream. I wanted that spider from her bedroom to lead her through the dreamland and to show her the beauty that spiders can create with their webs. I wanted her to be able to see that because I felt especially in Charlotte's Web the spider is appreciated but it is never rewarded. She always doing everything for the pig so I wanted in her dream the spider to be a big figure and can show her the beauty of what she's created within this scene.
This visual actually took was the quickest to do and was purely photo bashing with the brush technique, but mainly predominantly photo bashing. I actually really love the result of that and if I had more time I would like to do a bit more detail on the spider maybe adding someone else as a back to it like having the back of Hayley.
In my last visual, I decided to do by hand and then I used watercolours to bring it to life a bit and then later edited it further on photoshop. This is similar to the kind of visuals I was doing previous projects. I really wanted to do it one in my old way to show firstly how far come with my visuals and secondly as a comparison for myself to see which techniques I feel most comfortable with doing and also style I prefer result wise.
I find it interesting now to say that this style does not suit me any more or at least I do not think it gives as good a result as the combination of photo bashing and illustrative work with in photoshop which is exciting.
It was really hard with watercolours for me to try and get some of the depth and elements that I wanted to get. I think once again this could just take practice which I fully understand at the same time it lacks the polished look and that's what I loved about the others so I think I am going to try and push my skills more towards using photoshop rather than doing it by hand for now.
Just give bit a context in this visual, I wanted to show Hayley holding Charlotte who is finally getting the recognition she deserves at the county fair for her beautiful web.