Citizen Kane is a classic (directed, produced and starring Orson Welles). Watching it now, it is really hard not to see it as almost an inspiration for Trump which is kind of a bit sad. I think it shows this idea of someone like Trump/Kane aim to control the people whilst also appearing to speak for them. The character Kane was supposedly inspired by Randolph Hearst. History really does repeat itself in peculiar ways. Anyway back to the film at hand...
The film starts by focussing on the gates outside Kane's home. This immediately made me think that whoever's home this is, that they feel trapped. The pleasure palace, Xanadu, had very gothic architecture making the place seem almost holy supporting Kane’s God-like character.
Other highlights from the film that I found interesting was the newspaper sequence which broke the fourth wall, use a shadow while Kane's on the phone (you cannot see him but you can hear him) and the use of perspective. I think a momentous camera angle for me was the ultra low angle shot during a scene post Kane's political defeat with Leland. In order to get this shot they actually had to take the floorboards out within the studio. This kind of camera position would normally make an individual appear more powerful but I felt instead of showing the power of Kane it more showed his vulnerability, it made him to appear to be almost anybody, more human.