When first approaching the brief, I thought it would be best to start generating ideas around hosts. Having researched into the platform that is BBC 3 (the former BBC 3 channel), a key component which was highlighted to me was the importance of comedy to the platform and the target audience 16-34 year olds. These were both key factors I considered when selecting my original host.
The first host I wanted to investigate was Daisy May Cooper who is a BAFTA winning writer of a comedy shown on BBC 3 called This Country. The mockumentary documents the lives of 2 unemployed youths in the rural Cotswolds (played by Daisy May Cooper and her brother Charlie). I thought she would be an appropriate host as she is obviously funny to the target audience and has already been approved as BBC 3 worthy. However, I found it particularly difficult to collate a design aesthetic which represented her style. I tried drawing inspiration from her fashion sense at award ceremonies such as the bin bag dress and Swindon football club dress and locations in her show such as the park and caravan sites. In my opinion, the strongest idea I generated was a pub aesthetic, rural and rustic. I liked this idea because it is simple, they are the kind of people that you would want to have a chat over a pint with. Their humour is most appropriate in a non-formal setting. However, I concluded that as a host I think many would want both her and her brother as co hosts as they are mainly associated together and as the brief states there should be only one host I felt it was appropriate to look at alternative hosts.
The next potential host I looked at was Adele, an artist recognised by all ages in the target audience as well as being know for having a humorous nature. I decided to take inspiration from Adele’s fashion sense with her iconic beehive (a stylish hairstyle of the 1960s). This led me to look at 1960 interior design and pop art (which developed in 1960s but started in 1950s). Another avenue I explored was art deco as a lot of the dresses worn by Adele throughout the years have been inspired by that era. After a tutorial where I presented my Adele mood board, it became evident that an 1920s theme was the strongest concept as we are entering the “New 20s”and most of the target audience are in their 20s. I was told it would be worth researching the art deco within the 1920s as well as other design influences of this time to further develop my ideas.
After researching further into the 20s, I created 2 new mood boards based around 2 aesthetics. The first is a Speakeasy feel and the other a blue Chrysler building aesthetic. The Chrysler building began construction in 1928 but was completed in the 30s. I really liked the colour palette of white, blue, silver and gold and thought it created a very sophisticated impact. The speak easy aesthetic had a more rustic feel and used darker richer colours such as red, brick, brown and gold. Both ideas showed potential but I preferred the Speakeasy theme as I thought it had more potential and a stronger concept. Speakeasys were used as escapes during the prohibition for people to drink alcohol. Strangely 100 years later we are in a similar position with social distancing restricting socialising and I think we are all in need of an escape.
When making the second 2 mood boards, I used photoshop which I found a lot easier to use than Word which is what I used for the first 2.
For future reference, do not use Word for mood boards because it was really hard to move individual photos within a mass relative to one another. Whereas on photoshop it was a lot easier and there are more editing possibilities such as removing backgrounds. The accuracy is key and photoshop as a software is more accurate than word.