So next to my project, I decided to do the tea staining process in order to try and even out the whiteness of the hieroglyphics with the image that I pasted onto the above the door.
When painting the first tea layer on, I discovered that it was not actually that effective as it still did not match the image background. So, I had to do a few more layers using the teabag and dabbing it onto the textured card. However, in the cracks where the image had not taken to in the printing process left card exposed and now in the tea staining pross the tea was not being picked up in these areas leaving white gaps. To solve this issue, I decided to do a layer of acrylic as well paint just to fill in those gaps and make it look almost a bit more rustic and older looking. I think this was looked really effective in the end and added a lot more character to design and I'm really glad it worked out that way.
I found using the tea to be a good method although the tea did seep into the coloured images in particular making discoloured. I know over time things get discoloured anyway but next time I need to think about how to prevent this as well as the colour change during the printing process.