Dali and Brunels' "Un Chien Andalou" was a disturbingly shocking experience to watch making it a very successful surrealist film in my opinion. There was no plot line, only reoccurring themes such as the locked box and certain characters. It is very disjointed with moments such as cutting from location to location without a second glance.
Other than being structurally confusing, the content itself was shocking with cutting someone's eyeball at the same time as a cloud covering the moon and ants coming out of someone's hands. For me, one of the most surprising moments was the lustful sexual assault for all to see, especially for the time with censorship and all. The purpose of this content is to shock. Brunel himself said "no idea or image that might lend itself to a rational explanation of any kind would be accepted". Why? Originally I thought it could almost reflect the effect of World War I. Through creating such a unconventional film it allows the audience to questioning our reality veering to more of a subconscious way of thinking. Which is the idea of surrealism.
But after conferring with my peers, I agree that this is something that should not be heavily analysed because it is not meant to be analysed is meant to be experienced. I see the film more as a tool to release your subconscious rather than a form of escapism or entertainment.
Image and Quote Source: https://lwlies.com/articles/un-chien-andalou-luis-bunuel-salvador-dali/