The last mask we made was a plague mask using the material plastazote; however, due to covid circumstances, I left all of my resources back in my uni room so instead of making one out of plastazote, I did a paper one using the pattern that we were given. It was quite straightforward to do with the paper but of course when back at uni I intend to use the proper resources.
I found making the paper one useful as it allowed me to really get my head the pattern in the design. In order to heat plastazote you need to use a heat gun or a hairdryer in order to heat it and mould it in the correct positioning.
Another issue that we came up with using this material in covid is that the adhesive required to glue the whole thing together actually needs to be done in an open space with the correct ventilation. The original plan was to use the studio for this but I think upon my return I will try using alternative adhesives.
I am really excited about using this thermoplastic because I do really like the effect it gives off and I'm never used it before! Can not wait to get back to uni and use the studio again.